• A heavy cast Meehanite frame, heat treated
and relaxed, forms the solid foundation for
the CLG centerless cylindrical grinding machines
• All guideways are hardened and precision ground,
to ensure lasting accuracy and
To ensure wear resistance
• The grinding and regulating spindles are made of high quality
SNCM-220 steel made and after deep hardening
(HRC 62) and the grinding process in particular
suitable for years of tough everyday production
• The ball screws are made of SNCM-4 material
and guarantee with a specially developed
Spindle nut feed accuracy of
highest quality
• Lots of options for your particular application
Standard configuration
✔ Grinding wheel (balanced and assembled)
✔ Regulating wheel (balanced and assembled)
✔ Workpiece support with carbide surface for through grinding
✔ Workpiece support with carbide surface for plunge-cut grinding
✔ Coolant system
✔ Diamond dresser
✔ Separate hydraulic unit with oil / air cooling
✔ Halogen lamp
✔ Operating tool
✔ operating manual
Optional accessories
■ CNC or NC control with touch screen display
■ Coolant filter system, paper or magnet system
■ Ejector for plunge grinding
■ Balance stand
■ Guide unit for through-rod grinding
■ Automatic feeding device
■ Grinding wheels, various sizes and grains
■ Automatic loading and unloading device